St Nicholas' Primary School

Religion, Come Follow Me & PDMU

P5 took part in an interactive workshop with HIP Psychology to talk about our emotions and how we can manage them

In Come Follow Me today the children learned about Jesus and the loaves and fish

P5 learned about the first 3 of the 10 commandments. We wrote down ideas on how to follow them well and we clapped out a rhyme about the importance of keeping our word

P5 exploring emotions with a range of games and activities

P5 learned about how God called to Moses, and we discussed what Hod might call upon us to do. We wrote our own prayers asking God to help us hear His call.

Come follow me taught P5 today about Jesus and the tax collector

P5 talked about what makes a good friend today, and how we can treat all people in our class with kindness.

P5 learned about Jesus’ call to Levi with Come Follow Me today, and how Jesus reached out to sinners to live better lives

P5 marked the beginning of Advent by praying with the Advent wreath and lighting the first candle as a symbol of hope.

Come Follow Me today: P5 learned all about how David was chosen to be King by God. We also learned about our mission to bring others to God.

P5 have observed anti-bullying week this year by learning about the difference between banter and bullying. We’ve completed some colouring activities, designed posters and have worn odd socks!

P5 learned all about Moses with our friends at Come Follow Me

P5 learned all about Abraham with Come Follow Me

P5 learned about the “Lead us not into temptation” part of the Our Father with Come Follow Me

P5 marked World Mental Health day by watching the film “Trolls” and having a great discussion about the mental health issues covered in the film.

P5 learned about the meaning behind the next part of the Our Father with our friends at Come Follow Me

We discussed the nature of belief and wrote about our own personal Creed

Pupils singing ‘This Little Light of Mine’ with Come Follow Me

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Learning about God’s love and the “Our Father” prayer with Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me Our P4 & P5 pupils had a lovely opening to their Come Follow Me Programme for the year with a visit to St Nicholas’ Church today. They lit candles, sang and prayed with Fr McCloskey as well as meeting their Catechists for the year ahead. Dunsford and Ardglass Parish
