St Nicholas' Primary School

100th Day of School

💯th Day of School💯
Today the children celebrated 100 days of school and participated in lots of fun activities in their classroom. They also had a homework task to produce a 100 themed  Maths/Art Competition. 

The entries from all children were amazing and looked wonderful around the school. It was a very difficult task for Mrs Dolan (Maths teacher from St Mary's HS involved in our KS2/3 Transition Programme) to judge our competition winners. The winners were: Daíthi, Ben, Amy, Lucy, Zuzia (absent), Marcus and Basil. Well done boys and girls. 👍


Thanks to all our hardworking children for completing the task and to all the parents who were involved with this also. Lastly, thanks to Mr McReynolds for coordinating and organising the day. He's produced an iMovie for you all to enjoy looking at the children's work. All work will be displayed around the school for another week. 💯💯
