Monday Message from Mr Burns
This is our final week of this half term before the St Valentine’ ❤️ Break. There will be no school work next week and this will give a well deserved break for pupils, parents and staff. Please take time to recharge the batteries.🔋🔋🔋
This Tuesday it’s Internet Safety Day. Our teachers will provide an opportunity for pupils to learn further about staying safe online.
Also all our classes will be engaging in LIVE LESSONS in Google Meet this week. It should be fun and good for our pupils and teachers to meet up again before the midterm break.
NEW TERM - Mon 22nd Feb 2021
School work will resume on Monday 22nd February. P1 & P2 parents/guardians can collect new home learning packs at 12 noon on this date. All other classes will be up and running again online for another few weeks.
Good luck with everything at home this week!
Mr Kevin Burns