St Nicholas' Primary School

Reopening Update for September 2021

Please find below an outline of our restart guidelines for September - Halloween:

✴️We will continue to ask all adults to ‘Drop & Run’ & ‘Collect & Go’ at start and finish times to minimise interactions and possible transmissions. 

✴️Parents/Guardians must not enter the school building or classrooms and all visitors must sign in at reception upon arrival. 

✴️We will continue with separate entrances for pupils as before to minimise interaction between the bubbles/classes. 

✴️Children wear full uniform on Mon, Wed & Fri including plain black shoes. 

✴️ PE Uniform should be worn every Tuesday & Thursday as normal with footwear suitable eg trainers for PE and Outdoor Play.

✴️Breakfast Club will be available with pre-booking on the School Money App at a cost of £1.00 from Monday 6th September from 8am-8.45am. Pupils attending Wraparound Breakfast Club should arrive no later than 8.05am. (This provision will run if there proves to be a demand)

✴️Start times- We will continue with the school gates being opened at 8.45am each morning & pupils can arrive and go directly to class from 8.45am-9am. Pupils must remain in their vehicle until 8.45am. 

✴️Finish Times- Pupils in P1-P3 can be collected from 1.45-2pm each day. Pupils in P4-P7 can be collected from 2.45-2.55pm each day. 

✴️Friday Finish- We are reverting back to our usual 1.45pm-1.55pm finish each Friday for all pupils. 

✴️Pupils from P3-P7 should have their own pencil case for class with all usual resources (this is to be left in school each day)

✴️123 Wraparound Club will start on Monday 6th September for P1-P3 Pupils from 2-2.55pm Monday to Thursdays.  Booking is online on the School Money App in advance. Spaces are limited so booking early is advised. We hope to introduce after-school provision after Halloween for our older classes. 

✴️School bags, lunch boxes & water bottles are permitted. Water Bottles should be filled at home. (No Water Fountain due to Covid)

✴️The school office will be as cashless as possible. All school dinner orders must be paid through the School Money app a day in advance. (Details to follow for new children) 

✴️All adults & visitors should wear a Face Mask on school site, not congregate in the school grounds and keep socially distanced at all times. 

Many thanks
Mr K Burns
