St Nicholas' Primary School

Term 2 Message from Mr Burns

A Mesaage from Mr Burns 

Everyone in our school community has worked hard to follow the rules, do the right thing and try our best to mange the Covid-19 pandemic effectively. Despite the frustrations and setbacks we have remained positive and hopeful that we all come through this difficult time sooner rather than later. 

Our pupils have class in the morning on Google Classroom. Their teachers are organised and waiting to help the children with their learning. Each teacher will have a video message on GC just after 9am. I am looking forward to seeing the great effort and work our brilliant pupils produce in each class. 

We must remember to continue to follow our COVID-19 guidance now as much as ever before. Please remember anyone visiting our school building whether as a parent / guardian, key workers’ child / vulnerable child in supervised learning or our team of staff members- please follow the guidance & seek advice if unsure. 

The safest place at the moment is at home. 

Many thanks
Mr Kevin Burns
