An Easter Message - Friday 10th April
I would like to ask everyone to take a well deserved break over Easter and our teachers will be back in touch with you from Monday 20th April. New Home Learning Packs for pupils can be collected on Wednesday 22nd April from 12 noon to 1pm.
Our teachers and staff have been working incredibly hard over the past weeks and hopefully we all appreciate the effort they have given to keep in touch with pupils, supporting learning at home and supporting our key workers with childcare provision in school.
Great work has been done at home to date and many thanks to our pupils, parents and guardians for sharing how the pupils have been getting on. We really loved the photos of the Easter Baking Challenge and of the fun activities and work pupils have been doing!
Easter is family time so relax, take a break at home from school work and look after each other. Please remember you can watch via webcam Fr McCloskey’s Easter Sunday Mass live at 11.30am on
Please stay safe & God bless.
Mr Kevin Burns