St Nicholas' Primary School


This week the children enjoyed counting amounts of money

This week the children enjoyed outdoor learning using the 100 square. The children were able to throw the bean bag and partition the number to say how many tens and ones the number had. The children also enjoyed practical addition and subtraction games.

This week in Maths, the children have been subtracting two digit numbers. The children were able to partition the numbers into tens and ones and then subtract. Well done P3! πŸ‘

Today the children explored 2D and 3D shapes through play based learning πŸ”΅πŸ”ΊπŸŸͺ

Today we worked on our numbers to 100 along with our mental maths strategies ⭐️

Today the children created 3D shapes, created patterns on the peg boards, doubled the number of spots and explored half past times.

This week we have been counting the correct money to pay for toys and telling the time using analogue clocks ⏰

This week we were learning how to divide. We used the counters, Lego, pom-poms, sugar cubes and counters to divide by 2.

This week we were learning how to multiply. We enjoyed using the cubes, pom-poms, marshmallows and sugar cubes to solve the multiplication sum πŸ‘

This week we enjoyed using the cubes to add two numbers together. We also enjoyed making patterns using the pom-poms and tweezers!

This week the children enjoyed some winter themed Maths games to deepen their understanding of subtraction from 20 ⛄️❄️

We enjoyed lots more practical games this week where we made numbers to 100, explored weight and made patterns.

This week is Maths Week Ireland!!! The children have been completing a range of activity based learning activities today to deepen their understanding of subtraction, measuring and shapes.

Today the children enjoyed exploring measurement. They were able to estimate the length of objects in the classroom and then they used the meter stick to find the actual length.

Charlotte enjoyed ordering numbers to 10 πŸ‘

Today we used the cubes to subtract from 20. We also checked our answers on the number lines!

Today we practised counting in 2s to 100. The children enjoyed counting in 2s using their shoes. Today we had 44 shoes in class πŸ‘Ÿ

Today we worked on our number recognition and counting to 10.

Today we developed our confidence identifying one more/one less and ten more/ ten less than a number up to 100.

Today the children were completing practical activities for numbers to 100. The children identified 10 more and 10 less than a given number. They also ordered numbers and identified one more and one less.

Today the children completed addition games. They were able to partition numbers and use mental maths strategies to solve problems.

During numeracy, the children worked on their number recognition and ordering numbers to 10.

Today in Numeracy, the children engaged in activity based learning. The children deepened their understanding of addition through games using the dice, cubes and numicon. The children really enjoyed this lesson and had lots of fun learning through play! πŸ‘

This week in Numeracy the children used the numicon to make teen numbers. The children were able to add a single digit to ten and then count to find out how many there are altogether.
