St Nicholas' Primary School


Mrs Wilson

Contact Mrs Wilson:

Mrs McCann

Miss Halpin





Shrove Tuesday 🥞 

Trip to W5

A great day out to Dream Space in W5. The children had a great time. 🤗

Children’s Mental Health Week

🚢 Battleship ⛴️ 

New Spelling Activity.
We love to have fun when we are learning our spellings. 😃


Drama- Fairytales

*Class Debate- was the Big Bad Wolf really that bad?

The children loved this activity and gave some compelling arguments, also managed to put a spin on the fairytale as well. Amazing 🤩
* The Big Bad Wolf Police interview- Wow! P6 have some very talented actors and actresses! They were amazing and came up with some great questions and answers for the interview. Well done! 👏 



Estimating and Measuring using m and cm.


Science- St Colmcilles Visit

Wow! Amazing science experiments with the visitors from St Colmcilles in Crossgar. We loved their visit and really enjoyed making our rockets. 🚀 Thank you!

Topic Presentations

P6 have really enjoyed their topic of Flight. They finished the topic by working together and creating a PowerPoint about their favourite bird of prey. They went above and beyond with their presentations, so much so, I knew they had to go and show them off to other classes in the school. Thanks to P3 and P4 for being a fantastic audience. 🤩


Christmas Fun 🎄 


🦅 Flight Topic ✈️

*Designed their own aeroplane

*Made their own aeroplane from Lego.

*Made their own paper aeroplane and we had a race to see which was the fastest plane.

* We studied the findings and discussed how and why certain aeroplanes flew better than others.

Antibullying Week

Halloween Party 🎃👻





Trip- Down Museum

Halloween 🎃 

P6 had great fun participating in a Halloween themed science experiment today. They used baking soda and vinegar to inflate their Halloween balloons. It was a success! Well done boys and girls 🤗






Maths Week







Topic Work- The Vikings

Dot Art


Visit from Dogs Trust

ICT- Coding Week







PE- Handball


ICT and Numeracy 

Fun maths games today in class-helping us remember our times tables.

ICT task today- Introducing Newsdesk and research for Roald Dahl Day.




Literacy, Numeracy and ICT 🤩

Numeracy-We played Hit The Button today and even had a wee competition. Well done David our champ for today!🤗

ICT- We logged on using our C2k usernames today.

Literacy- We created a name poem for each child in our class. Using positive adjectives to describe them! We will display these in our classroom. 🤩


 🌟  Welcome to Primary 6! 🌈 

What a fun first day we had!!! 😊

I hope they all enjoyed it as much as I did!

Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead with these superstars!🤩








A big thank you to Madeline from Kathleen’s Attic for our wonderful Titanic Workshop today. Pupils learned some amazing facts and interesting snippets of information that will help us with our Totanic World Around Us Topic.  Pupils all had a fun time dressing up and exploring a range of unique artefacts from that era.

Below is a list of links of games and resources than can be continuously worked on from home. This collection is a work in progress, and will be updated as the school year progresses.



Written methods of Addition, Subtraction, multiplication and division:


>Recognising Fractions

>Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. We have not yet covered dividing fractions in the curriculum.


Mental Maths


Word Problems




>In the link below, the comprehensions are in alphabetical order but are graded in difficulty from 1 to 6. On average a P6 pupil should be able to work at grade 3/4 or above in excelling work.


>Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs



Transfer Papers

>Below is a google drive link of regularly updated transfer papers. Typically pupils interested in transfer should work towards completing two a week. Either on paper and working off a digital copy on their tablet, or if resources allow on a printed test.


After School Coding Club has been enjoyed by our Key Stage 2 pupils who have been up-skilled in Computer Programming while making use of our iPads and Computer Suite. 👩‍💻 👨‍💻 💻

We had a brilliant time watching a very unique and funny Christmas story at the Down Arts Centre. We felt bad for the front row getting wet angel

Here's a classroom favourite! Year 6 used Minecraft to work out perimeter and area word problems, building blocks to make the correct sizes.

Have a look at our wonderful coding on! In this challenge P6 had to code the squirrel to make the correct movements to find his food!

Year 6 have been learning about mm, cm, m and km. We have been making measurements of everything we can find in the school and calculating our walking speed per km.

In our winter term, we are working towards creating instructional texts. Year 6 had great fun writing instructions on how to draw a car, the catch is that we didn't tell Mr.Burns what he was drawing! The better the instructions, the closer to a car it should look. Check out some of our "cars" and pictures below:

In groups we have been working on our problem solving. Together we are working on a murder mystery, every week our Mathematics challenges gives us a clue and narrows down our suspects! This week we are using coordinates to find the hidden code.

Happy Halloween! Year 6 enjoyed dressing up, eating sweets, and partying at the school Halloween disco.

Year 6 enjoyed being taken out for lessons on the dangers of smoking and drinking, as well as lessons on the benefits of diet and exercise.

Year 6 has enjoyed moving on to our new topic: The Alps! A big thank to all parents that came in for our learning together afternoon to support our learning.

Year 6 had a relaxing time outside looking for inspiration for their poetry in the clouds!

Year 6 were very excited to use QR codes to research the Grand Canyon, then added their facts they had learned to Padlet.

A big thank you to Mr. Burns who came in to take the class for some Halloween themed problem solving.

Year 6 was very lucky to get some sun today in the Eco Garden! We took photos using our Ipads, then used them as a reference for our garden themed Observational Poetry. smiley

Every pupil getting involved in the Walk of Life Art Feis Competition

This week we have been working on our coding and problem solving skills, using angry birds as a way to program coordinates and movement!


A great start to the term with some work on punctuation and dialogue!
