St Nicholas' Primary School

Friday Thoughts from Mr Burns

Mr Burns’ Friday thoughts... 💭 💭 

Morning everyone....This has been a really strange week for us all and we are now all realising that learning from home isn’t easy for parents or our pupils. In school, we would have Weekly Assembly usually today and reward good behaviour, work and manners etc. We pray together and highlight good things to look forward to in the week ahead.  

We will hopefully all be back to normality soon.

Today, we can reflect on how this week has gone. Hopefully the Resource Packs & Online Resources on our School Website have helped focus our pupils’ young minds for a while each day.  I know the good weather ☀️and opportunity to play sport ⚽️ and games 🤸have helped with ‘Brain Breaks’ in our own home🏠 !!! 

Should pupils do Friday Tests??? 📝

Our Spellings and Quick Fire Maths Knowledge are important but so is our child’s self-esteem.  If you test, please give them a chance of SUCCESS! Their self-confidence is so important so drop in a little PRAISE! Some pupils love the test and others do not. You may find a Friday Test keeps the kids focused during the week and if it’s proving too difficult then maybe just leave them! 


Please remember it’s Friday & that’s pupils’ ‘Fun Day’ & don’t forget Golden Time. The sun is shining, take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the Weekend! 

Mr Kevin Burns
